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Using Fontist in CI

Fontist works well in CI environments too! You can just gem install fontist like normal to get up and running. Hoever, if you don't like waiting for it to compile the native Ruby extensions each time you gem install fontist then you might be interested in our premade custom CI helpers.

# This works on your PC and in CI! 🚀
gem install fontist

ℹ Make sure your CI runner has an appropriate version of Ruby installed.

GitHub Actions

If you want to use Fontist in GitHub Actions you can use the fontist/setup action to automagically ✨ configure Fontist in the GitHub Actions environment. This lets you install fonts and use them in your CI process. Here's an example:

on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: fontist/setup@v1
      - run: fontist install "Fira Code"
      - run: fontist install "Open Sans"
      # Now you can use the installed fonts!

📚 Read more on the fontist/setup GitHub page

Fontist is riboseopen